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Yellowstone National Park Map Closures In 2023: What You Need To Know
Yellowstone National Park Map Closures In 2023: What You Need To Know

Yellowstone National Park Map Closures In 2023: What You Need To Know

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Yellowstone National Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States. It is home to stunning landscapes, geothermal features, and diverse wildlife. However, due to its popularity, the park can get crowded, and sometimes certain areas need to be closed for maintenance or safety reasons. In this article, we will discuss the map closures in Yellowstone National Park in 2023.

What Are Map Closures?

Map closures refer to the temporary closures of certain areas of the park due to various reasons. These closures are indicated on the park map, which is available at the visitor centers and online. Map closures can be due to construction, maintenance, wildlife management, or safety concerns. It is important to check the park map before planning your trip to Yellowstone to avoid any inconvenience.

Why Are Map Closures Necessary?

Map closures are necessary to maintain the natural resources of the park and ensure the safety of the visitors. Construction and maintenance work help preserve the infrastructure of the park, such as roads, trails, and buildings. Wildlife management closures are necessary to protect the animals and their habitats. Safety closures are put in place to protect visitors from potential hazards, such as falling rocks or unpredictable geothermal features.

Yellowstone National Park Map Closures in 2023

There are several map closures in Yellowstone National Park in 2023. Some of the notable closures are:

1. Norris Campground Closure

The Norris Campground will be closed for construction from May 15 to August 15, 2023. The construction work includes the replacement of the restroom facilities and the installation of new picnic tables and fire pits. Visitors can still access the Norris Geyser Basin and the Museum of the National Park Ranger during this time.

2. Old Faithful Overpass Closure

The Old Faithful Overpass will be closed for maintenance from June 1 to July 31, 2023. The maintenance work includes the repair of the bridge deck and the expansion joints. Visitors can still access the Old Faithful Visitor Education Center and the Upper Geyser Basin during this time.

3. Firehole Lake Drive Closure

The Firehole Lake Drive will be closed for wildlife management from September 1 to October 31, 2023. The closure is necessary to protect the elk during their breeding season. Visitors can still access the Grand Prismatic Spring and the Midway Geyser Basin during this time.

Question and Answer

Q: How can I find out about the map closures in Yellowstone National Park?

A: You can find out about the map closures in Yellowstone National Park by checking the park map, which is available at the visitor centers and online. You can also check the park’s website or social media pages for updates on closures and other important information.

Q: Can I still access the popular attractions during the map closures?

A: In most cases, yes. The park authorities try to keep the popular attractions accessible during the closures as much as possible. However, there may be some restrictions or detours in place. It is important to check the park map and follow the instructions of the park rangers.

Q: Are map closures common in Yellowstone National Park?

A: Yes, map closures are common in Yellowstone National Park. The park authorities need to balance the preservation of the natural resources and the safety of the visitors with the access to the attractions. Therefore, they may have to close certain areas for maintenance, wildlife management, or safety concerns.


Yellowstone National Park is a beautiful and unique destination that attracts millions of visitors every year. However, it is important to be aware of the map closures in the park to avoid any inconvenience or safety hazards. By checking the park map and following the instructions of the park rangers, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Yellowstone National Park in 2023.

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