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Everything You Need To Know About The Wyoming Moose Unit Map
Everything You Need To Know About The Wyoming Moose Unit Map

Everything You Need To Know About The Wyoming Moose Unit Map

Wyoming Elk Unit Map Color 2018
Wyoming Elk Unit Map Color 2018 from

What is the Wyoming Moose Unit Map?

The Wyoming Moose Unit Map is a comprehensive guide for hunters looking to hunt moose in Wyoming. It contains detailed information on the different hunting units in the state, as well as the areas where moose populations are the highest.

Why is the Wyoming Moose Unit Map Important?

The Wyoming Moose Unit Map is important for hunters because it allows them to plan their hunting trips more effectively. By using the map, hunters can identify the areas where moose populations are the highest, and they can also determine which hunting units are most likely to yield a successful hunt.

How Do I Get a Wyoming Moose Unit Map?

The Wyoming Moose Unit Map is available from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. You can download a digital copy of the map from their website, or you can request a printed copy to be mailed to you.

Understanding the Wyoming Moose Unit Map

The Wyoming Moose Unit Map is divided into different hunting units, each of which has its own unique characteristics. Some units may have higher moose populations, while others may have more challenging terrain. Understanding the different units is key to planning a successful moose hunting trip.

Each unit on the map is also color-coded to indicate the level of public access available. Green units have the highest level of public access, while red units have the lowest level of public access.

What Should I Look for on the Wyoming Moose Unit Map?

When using the Wyoming Moose Unit Map, hunters should look for areas with high moose populations, as well as areas with good public access. It’s also important to consider the terrain of each unit, as some areas may be more challenging to hunt than others.

How Do I Use the Wyoming Moose Unit Map to Plan My Hunt?

When planning a moose hunting trip in Wyoming, hunters should use the Moose Unit Map to identify the units with the highest moose populations and the best public access. From there, hunters can determine which units are the most promising for a successful hunt and plan their trip accordingly.


Do I Need a License to Hunt Moose in Wyoming?

Yes, hunters need a license to hunt moose in Wyoming. Licenses are available through the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and can be purchased online or in person at a license selling agent.

When is Moose Hunting Season in Wyoming?

Moose hunting season in Wyoming typically runs from September to November, depending on the unit and the weapon used. Hunters should check the Wyoming Game and Fish Department website for specific dates and regulations.

What Should I Bring on a Moose Hunting Trip?

When planning a moose hunting trip, hunters should bring appropriate clothing and gear for the terrain and weather conditions. They should also bring a firearm and ammunition that is appropriate for moose hunting, as well as any necessary camping or survival gear.

What Should I Do if I Harvest a Moose?

If you harvest a moose during your hunting trip, you must report it to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department within 24 hours. You will also need to have the moose inspected by a game warden or other authorized personnel.


The Wyoming Moose Unit Map is an essential tool for any hunter planning a moose hunting trip in Wyoming. By understanding the different units on the map and the information they provide, hunters can plan a successful and enjoyable trip that maximizes their chances of harvesting a moose.

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